A UMPP esteve presente no OPEN DAYS 2015 - 13th European Week of Regions and Cities

A UMPP esteve presente no OPEN DAYS 2015 - 13th European Week of Regions and Cities que decorreu em Bruxelas, na Comissão Europeia e no Comité das Regiões, nos dias 12 a 15 de outubro de 2015.


No âmbito do OPEN DAYS 2015 a UMPP participou nos seguintes workshops:


“The role of territorial impact assessments in improving EU policymaking”, Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors, 13.10.2015 

“How to move up the technological ladder: knowledge, innovation and institutions in European regions”, European Commission, Charlemagne, 13.10.2015

“Evidence-based employment policies – what works for regions”, Committee of the Regions, Van Maerlant, 13.10.2015

“Creating links between academia and policy at the national and regional level”, European Commission, Centre Borschet, 14.10.2015

“Research infrastructures as drivers of knowledge and innovation in European regions“, European Commission, Centre Borschette, 14.10.2015

“Regional manufacturing renaissance”, European Commission, Centre Borschette, 14.10.2015

“Strengthen efficient innovation through lasting collaboration between SMEs and larger enterprises”, Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors, 15.10.2015

“The added value of an integrated versus sectoral approach to territorial development”, European Commission, Charlemagne, 15.10.2015

Publicado em 27.10.2015